Solidarity Tax Calculator

Since the solidarity tax reform in 2021 about 90% of German taxpayers save hundreds of Euros because they do not pay solidarity tax anymore. How much do you have to pay?

How it works

Fill in a few conditions

First, you need to enter your date of birth (Geburtsdatum) and monthly gross pay (Monatsbruttoentgelt). Then you need to specify the tax class (Steuerklasse). If you select tax class 4, you will also be asked for the spouse factor (Ehegattenfaktor). Finally, you will be asked whether you have children (Haben Sie Kinder?). If this is the case, you must also enter the child allowance (Kinderfreibetrag).

See your solidarity tax payments

If you click on “berechnen”, you will see how much solidarity tax you pay or have paid each year. If you no longer have to pay solidarity tax, the annual savings will be displayed.

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