Real Estate Loan Calculator

Calculate the perfect real estate loan (EMI) for yourself by choosing duration, interest rate & principal repayment to see how much real estate you can realistically afford.

How it works

Fill in a few conditions

First, you need to specify the expected purchase price (Kaufpreis). Next, you can enter the interest rate and the repayment in percent (Zins | Tilgung), before specifying the possible discount (Disagio). The last things to be entered are the start of the term (Laufzeitbeginn), and the fixed interest rate in years (Zinsbindung in Jahren). If you wish, you can answer Yes or No to whether you want to make an extended entry (Erweiterte Eingabe). This opens the entry options of the state (Bundesland), both the costs of the notary and land register entry (Notar und Grundbucheintrag), as well as the land transfer tax (Grunderwerbssteuer) and the brokerage costs (Maklerkosten). The possible euro amounts, concerns on the one hand the acquisition-related costs (Anschaffungsnahe Kosten) and on the other hand the equity (Eigenkapital).

Calculate your real estate loan

When you click “berechnen”, it will show you how much your annuity rate (Annuitätsrate) will be, how much interest (Zins) you will pay over the specified period, and how much you will pay off (Tilgung). You will also get an overview of how much your remaining debt will be (Restschuld am Ende der Zinsbindung) and how long you expect to have to repay the loan (Laufzeit). This is shown again below graphically and also annually in figures.


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