Free Health Insurance Check with PerFinExHealth Insurance CheckHealth Insurance CheckWhen is a private health insurance contract check worthwhile? With our PKV contract check, you can find out whether your private health insurance still fits your needs optimally. >br> We will check your contract free of charge and without obligation if: - Your contract is less than 10 years old: With older contracts, switching is usually not advisable due to the accumulated age reserves. - Your contributions have increased in recent years. - Your life circumstances have changed: (e.g., marriage, children, change of job). How you benefit: - Potentially lower contributions and save money. - Better benefits and improved coverage. - Optimal insurance protection tailored to you. Note: For contracts that are more than 10 years old, we recommend that you contact your insurer directly to discuss an internal tariff change.Health Insurance Type?Do you already have one of the following health insurance types yet? Please check the type you already have.Health Insurance Type Public Health Insurance Private Health Insurance Supplementary Insurance I don't knowPublic Health Insurance existing?(Required)Do you have a Public Health Insurance? yes noPrivate Health Insurance existing?(Required)Do you already have a Private Health Insurance? yes noPrivate Health Insurance Type(Required) employee self-employed civil servant studentWhat is the type of your Private Health Insurance?Supplementary Insurance existing?(Required)Do you already have a Supplementary Insurance? yes noSupplementary Insurance Type(Required) Dental Insurance Income Protection Insurance Supplemental Medical Insurance Travel Health InsuranceYour Insurance: Do you have your documents at hand?(Required)Upload your contract for a free review: To get started, please upload your pension contract (if existing, otherwise your pension offer) by taking a photo of it or uploading a digital copy. This will allow us to analyze your contract (or your offer) and provide you with personalized recommendations. If you don't have your contract handy right now, no problem! Simply click "Continue" and we'll get in touch to discuss your pension needs. Just make sure to have your contract ready when we reach out. yes noYour Insurance documents available? Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 4.Public Health Insurance: Do you have your documents at hand?(Required)Upload your contract for a free review: To get started, please upload your Public Heatlh Insurance contract (if existing) by taking a photo of it or uploading a digital copy. This will allow us to analyze your contract (or your offer) and provide you with personalized recommendations. If you don't have your contract handy right now, no problem! Simply click "Continue" and we'll get in touch to discuss your pension needs. Just make sure to have your contract ready when we reach out. yes noPublic Heatlh Insurance documents available? Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 4.Private Health Insurance: Do you have your documents at hand?(Required)Upload your contract for a free review: To get started, please upload your Private Health Insurance (if existing, otherwise your insurance offer) by taking a photo of it or uploading a digital copy. This will allow us to analyze your contract (or your offer) and provide you with personalized recommendations. If you don't have your contract handy right now, no problem! Simply click "Continue" and we'll get in touch to discuss your pension needs. Just make sure to have your contract ready when we reach out. yes noPrivate Health Insurance documents available? Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 4.Supplementary Insurance: Do you have your documents at hand?(Required)Upload your contract for a free review: To get started, please upload your Supplementary Insurance contract (if existing, otherwise your Supplementary Insurance offer) by taking a photo of it or uploading a digital copy. This will allow us to analyze your contract (or your offer) and provide you with personalized recommendations. If you don't have your contract handy right now, no problem! Simply click "Continue" and we'll get in touch to discuss your pension needs. Just make sure to have your contract ready when we reach out. yes noSupplementary Insurance documents available? Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 4.Private Health Insurance offer available?Do you already have an offer for a Private Health Insurance?Private Health Insurance offer existing?Do you have an offer for a Private Health Insurance yet? yes noSupplementary Insurance offer available?Do you already have an offer for a Supplementary Insurance?Supplementary Insurance Offer existing?Do you have an offer for a Supplementary Insurance yet? yes noAbout YouYour Name(Required) First Last We need your contact details so we can send you the results of your personalized pension check and get in touch to discuss your individual needs and goals. We will only use your information for this purpose and will not share it with any third parties.Your Email Address(Required) Email Address Confirm Email Address We need your contact details so we can send you the results of your personalized pension check and get in touch to discuss your individual needs and goals. We will only use your information for this purpose and will not share it with any third parties.Data Privacy(Required) I accept the data privacy information of PerFinEx.With submitting this form, I accept the data privacy information of PerFinEx.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.