Retirement Income Calculator

Calculate your NET retirement income from German public pension (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) & private sources (investments, rental income, private pensions).

How it works

Fill in a few conditions

First, you need to enter your date of birth (Geburtsdatum) and the desired retirement age (Wann möchten Sie in Rente gehen?). Then answer the questions whether you have children (Haben Sie Kinder?), how you are insured (Wie sind Sie krankenversichert?), whether you are liable for church tax (Kirchensteuerpflichtig), and in which federal state you live (Bundesland). On the right-hand side, you can then enter any income that is available to you. In this case, this is the standard pension from the statutory pension insurance (Regelrente aus der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung), the pension from the civil servant pension (Pension aus der Beamtenversorgung), the pension from pension funds (Rente aus Versorgungswerken), the Rürup pension (Rente aus Rürup-Versorgung), the Riester pension (Rente aus Riester-Versorgung), the pension from private (Rente aus privater Altersversorgung) and company pension plans (Rente aus betrieblicher Altersversorgung), your annual profit from renting and leasing (Jährlicher Gewinn aus Vermietung und Verpachtung) and all other annual taxable income (Jährliche weitere steuerpflichtige Einkünfte).

See your monthly retirement income

If you click on “berechnen”, you will see your monthly retirement income. You still have to pay taxes and social security contributions from these. The pie chart shows all values again clearly as a percentage.

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Would you like to learn more about public health insurance in Germany or do you need help by setting up the right health insurance plan for your individual situation? Please feel free to send us a message.