Best liability insurance in germany

Find the best liability insurance in Germany with the lowest premium. By getting a German liability insurance through our calculator you might also secure some bonuses.

How it works

Fill in a few conditions

First you have to specify the insured person (Versicherte Person). Here you have the choice between single with/without child and couple with/without child (Single/Paar mit/ohne Kind). Then you have to specify your age (Ihr Alter), the desired coverage amount (Deckungssumme) and the possible deductible (Selbstbeteiligung). By clicking on further filters (Weitere Filter) you can further specify the selection. Here you can additionally specify the zip code (Postleitzahl), special target groups (Besondere Zielgruppen), further benefits (Weitere Leistungen) and your hobbies (Hobbys).

See your best Liability insurance in Germany

By clicking on “Anbieter vergleichen”, you will be shown the best liability insurance in Germany sorted by price. Clicking on “Zum Anbieter” takes you directly to their website and gives you the option of applying for the selected liability insurance.

Get In Touch With Us

Would you like to learn more about public health insurance in Germany or do you need help by setting up the right health insurance plan for your individual situation? Please feel free to send us a message.