Best Bank account in germany
Find the best bank account in Germany with the lowest (hidden) fees. By opening a German bank account through our calculator you might also secure some bonuses.
How it works
Fill in a few conditions
First of all, you must enter the monthly incoming payments (Zahlungseingang / monatlich), your average account balance (Durchschnittlicher Kontostand) and answer the question whether you want a credit card with it (Girokonto mit Kreditkarte), with yes, no, or doesn‘t matter (Ja, Nein, Egal).
Get the best bank account in Germany
With a click on “Girokonto vergleichen” the currently best bank account in Germany is displayed. Clicking on “zum Anbieter” takes you directly to their website and gives you the option to open the selected account.
Get In Touch With Us
Would you like to learn more about public health insurance in Germany or do you need help by setting up the right health insurance plan for your individual situation? Please feel free to send us a message.